Sweet Heart Bouquet (Fresh Flower)
The Sweet Heart Bouquet is carefully crafted by expert florists using only the freshest and highest quality flowers. The flowers are arranged in a beautiful heart-shaped design, making this bouquet a perfect gift for romantic occasions such as Valentine’s Day or anniversaries. It is also a great way to show your appreciation and gratitude to someone special in your life.
Set Included:
- 3 Stalk of White Gerbera, 4 Stalk of Champagne Rose, 5 Stalk of Pink Rose Avalance comes with side flower 3 stalks of Chamomile, 1 Stalk of Eucalyptus, 2 Stalk of Ivy Leaf, 2 Stalk of Antrium wrapped with Pink & White Wrapper tied with White Ribbon.
- Size of Flower Bouquet: 48cm(H) x 37cm(W)
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